New Year Sale


100 Day Guarantee

We stand by our artwork.

Regardless of the reason, feel free to return your order within 100 days for either a full refund or store credit.

To be eligible for a refund, we ask that your item is in the same condition that you received it.

Once you ship your return, please drop an email to with your order number and a link to track your package (this helps us process things as quickly as possible!)

Once we receive the items, we'll shoot you an email notifying you of the refund/credit status.Refunds are processed against the original form of payment, generally within a couple business days.

Note: If you haven’t received a refund, please drop us a note and we'll make sure to get things sorted out.


Please mail your return to:

827 Fellowship Road
Santa Barbara, CA, 93109

In our experience, shipping via Fedex is more cost-efficient than USPS & UPS. Unfortunately, we do not cover shipping costs on the artwork's return flight home.

Thank you for your understanding.

Art Bloom Team